Cat Tails

Cat Adoption Services, Inc.
6622 Beach Drive
Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469

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Donations - Monetary & Wish List Items

Thank You!            Thank You!
        * We can only accept cash or checks at our facility.
                Sorry we cannot accept Credit Cards or Debit Cards
                    at our location or on the phone. They can be used when
;                   donating through PayPal.

        * We can accept donations through PayPal
                Please click on Paypal's link on right to donate.

Wish List Items
        * Dawn dish soap (blue liquid)
        * Bleach - non scented preferred
        * Laundry Soap/HE only – liquid preferred
        * Paper towels
        * 13 gallon trash bags
        * 33 gallon trash bags - black
a case of
Scratch'n Bits
to Cattails
$25 with FREE Shipping
Thank You!            Thank You!
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For problems or concerns about Cat Tails please contact us at Cat Tails

Copyright 2010 - Cat Tails, Inc. - All rights reserved

Last revised 9-12-2010