Cat Tails

Cat Adoption Services, Inc.
6622 Beach Drive
Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469

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Adoption Fees

  • $60 for most cats 6 months old or older
  • $80 for most kittens under 6 months
  • $100 for special cats and kittens such as Siamese mix, Himalayan mix, Persian mix, Manx mix, Maine Coon mix, and polydactyls.
Cat Tails is supported entirely by donations and adoption fees.
What about a “free” cat from a neighbor?
A “free” cat is only free if you don’t pay for the procedures that will keep your cat healthy and prevent it from adding to the problem of overpopulation. The test, shots, treatments and surgery covered by our adoption fee would cost you over $300 on your own.
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Copyright 2010 - Cat Tails, Inc. - All rights reserved

Last revised 9-6-2010